«Each person who drives into Kaluga Region is welcomed by the sign, ‘Blessed Kaluga Land’. No wonder that so many angels descended on it at the same time». Vladimir Potemkin, Deputy Governor and Chief of Kaluga Region Representation Office in the RF Government

Due to 2010’s results Kaluga Region won four Investment Angels (prestigious awards given by the Expert Committee of the World Organization of Creditors [WOC]) at once. The region received the first Angel for «being the region of Russia most attractive for investments». When he was congratulated, Vladimir Potemkin, Chief of Kaluga Region Representation Office to the Russian Federation Government, said that the award was another confirmation of Kaluga Region’s success.
The Agency for regional Development of the Kaluga region received the second Investment Angel for «tracking and protection of investments». Receiving the award, the General Director of the Agency, Dmitriy Abramov, emphasized that the main investments in our lives are the investments in people!
Two more Angels were awarded to Volkswagen Grup Rus and Novo Nordisk as «the best foreign investors in Russia».
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Novo Nordisk Ltd. said, «Kaluga Region provides an ideal or nearly ideal environment for business development. If all the rest behave the same way, there will be many more investments in Russia».