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Global Governors Event Space

Global Initiative for Territorial Entiti
Global Governors Summit
World Forum of Territorial Entities.png
Global Award for Sustainable Development


   Global Governors Event Space - is one of the three components of the Spaces of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities. The Global Governors Event Space consists of two interrelated, but separate directions:

   1. Global Governors Summit, Executive Committee of the Summit, and Global Governors Club are governed exclusively by the Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities, as part of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities;

   2. World Forum of Territorial Entities, Global Award for Sustainable Development, and Global Business Leaders Club, operating within the World Forum of Territorial Entities framework.

   The primary mission of creating the Instruments included in the Global Governors Event Space is to unite the Governors and the Heads of Territorial Entities from different countries of the world at their specialized Platforms to share innovative experience and successful management practices and sustainable development of Territorial Entities in creative, technological, economic and social direction, as well as the creation of the Global Dialogue Platform for the Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

   The Global Governors Event Space includes the following Tools:

   Global Governors Club (GGC): a voluntary association of Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities of different countries worldwide. 

   The Global Governors Club is intended to form a representation from the Heads of Territorial Entities of the world from different continents, to establish a Global Governors Summit, determining the date, place, and format of the first Summit, organizing an invitation to the Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities to participate in the Global Governors Summit, obtaining Summit support from UN bodies and international organizations of the UN system.

   Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities who are members of the Global Governors Club may be members of the Global Executive Committee of the Global Governors Summit, as proposed by the Global Governors Club.

   Global Governors Summit (GGS) is part of the Global Governors Event Space and is managed directly by the Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities through the Summit Executive Committee.

   The Global Governors Summit and its establishment is the essential Instrument for the sustainable development of Territorial Entities and the creation of the Global Governors Platform for sharing best innovative practices in the development and management of the world's territorial entities.
  The Global Governors Summit has the potential to bring together over two thousand Governors and their colossal experience to share best practices and innovative practices and successful practices in the development and management of the Territorial Entities for mutual development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  The Global Governors Summit creates the conditions for the definition and further scaling of the world's best territorial practices in various areas of development of the Territorial Entities.
  Many Governors and regional leaders express an interest in creating a unified Global Governors Platform for dialogue, with the participation of the United Nations, to share innovative achievements and practices.

   The Global Governors Summit is scheduled as an annual event, coinciding in dates, countries, and cities with the World Forum of Territorial Entities venues.

   The participants of the Global Governors Summit elect, from among the current Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities of the top level, the members of the Global Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Global Governors Club.

   The size of the Global Executive Committee is determined by the decision of the Global Governors Summit.
  Governors from different continents should be represented on the Global Executive Committee. Continental quotas and quotas for countries are also determined by the decision of the Global Governors Summit.

   World Forum of Territorial Entities (WFTE): is a member of the Global Governors Event Space, the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, and is intended to bring together the Governor's Teams and the Heads of Territorial Entities from different countries of the world, for sustainable development and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

   The World Forum of Territorial Entities (WFTE) is one of the main tools for practical stimulation of the development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world and Businesses in innovative, high-tech, economic, social, and other areas.

   The World Forum of Territorial Entities creates a Dialogue Platform between Governor's teams and Business, bringing together international Business, Governors and Governors teams for sustainable development of Territorial Entities (regions, entities, states, provinces, counties, and other territorial units of the world's top-level) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals UN.
  Regular holding of the World Forum of Territorial Entities, in cooperation with the United Nations, will provide an opportunity to demonstrate new global innovative, investment, industrial, technological and other achievements and opportunities, as well as the best international practices of sustainable development and effective management of Territorial Entities and interaction with Business.
  The World Forum of Territorial Entities contributes to the creation of a balanced system of development of territorial entities, systematizes the attraction of innovative and investment capital, increases the investment attractiveness of territorial entities, reduces the risks of poor management, and creates an additional impetus for accelerated industrialization and development of the Territories.
  The Forum participants include Governors and regional leaders from around the world, critical members of the Governor's teams in various areas, heads of high-tech and industrial corporations, investment banks and funds, diplomatic representatives, leaders of international organizations of the UN system, and global media.

   Global Award for Sustainable Development (GASD): is a part of the Global Governors Event Space, the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, and is one of the main Instruments stimulating innovative, technological, economic, and social development of Territorial Entities. Increases the openness and social responsibility of both Governors, Governor's teams, and Businesses, to effectively interact with Governor's teams with Businesses, sustainable development of Territorial Entities, improve the investment, technological, and innovation climate and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

   Every year in the world are held hundreds of international awards. Global Awards were not held earlier, which would focus on stimulating the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the world and the interaction of the Governor's teams with Business.

   The innovative nature of the Award is to stimulate the development of Territorial Entities, identify and demonstrate best world practices in the development of Territorial Entities, awarding Governors and Governor's teams for the best world experience and achievements in various areas of territorial expansion, and awarding international corporations and national companies for significant contribution to development Territories.

    The nominees and laureates of the Global Award for Sustainable Development are the Governors, Heads, and regional leaders of top-level Territorial Entities in various countries of the world, Governor's teams and individual members of Governor's teams, leaders of innovative, high-tech, industrial corporations, and companies, investment banks, funds and other active participants process of sustainable development of Territories.
  The Global Award for Sustainable Development results is calculated based on official data and statistics of the UN bodies and international organizations of the UN System - the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, UNCTAD, ECOSOC.


   The development is registered in the International Register of International Standard Name Identifier -

ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0423 and deposited with the Authors' Society, an entry in the Register for the number 26126. The creation period from December 23, 2009, to March 3, 2017.

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Global Initiative for Territorial Entities Governor, ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0423

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