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Artificial Intelligence
for Territorial Entities

Artificial Intelligence for Territorial
AI Governor псевдоним.jpg


   Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities (AITE) - is a high-tech, innovative development within the Global Governors Intellectual Space of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities. Helps Governors and governors teams in the sustainable development and management of Territorial Entities in different countries.

   Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities is created on end-to-end digital technologies: big data, artificial intelligence, distributed registry systems, augmented and virtual reality technology, and a complex of other developments.

   Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities in the future will become a critical Intellectual Tool for Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities of the countries of the world, with the help of which effective and promising ways and models of regional development, good directions, and points of economic growth will be determined, development strategies will be adjusted based on a large number of indicators: transport logistics, valuable minerals, resources, climate, taxes, and labor resources, calculated in a comparative analysis with the designated territories of the world.

   AITE is the intellectual foundation of the Global Governors Intellectual Space, the World Track of Territorial Entities, the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities, the Global Governors Summit, the World Forum of Territorial Entities, and the World Center for the Development of Territorial Entities. Based on the results and calculations of AITE, the nominees and laureates of the Global Award for Sustainable Development (previously - the World Investment Award "Investment Angel") are determined.
  AITE is a scientific development within the framework of which the tasks of intellectual modeling and the creation of modern information technologies for the calculation of the current and future state of development of Territorial Entities in different countries are being solved.

   The properties of this intelligent system are the performance of functions that were previously considered the prerogative of analytical and rating agencies but at a higher intellectual level.
  This intelligent system is software capable of solving problems traditionally belonging to certain areas of statistical science whose knowledge is stored in the memory of this system.

   The structure of an intelligent system includes three main blocks: an information database (big data), solvers, etc., a smart interface.
  AITE mission:
   They are creating optimal, high-tech, and efficient models of development of Territorial Entities based on the analysis of big data, innovative practices, and successful development experience and management of Territorial Entities, comparing results and issuing recommendations.

   AITE's goals:
  1. Assisting the Governors and governors teams in matters of:

   1.1. Identification of new promising growth points;

   1.2. Adjustments of the old inefficient points of growth and development models, taking into account the provision of a stable transition to the sustainable development of the Territorial Entities;
  2. Elimination of mistakes, inefficient practices, and decisions in the development of the Territories;
  3. Recommendations of the most effective, optimal, and successful models of the development of Territorial Entities.

   The AITE Statistical Committee acts to effectively organize and manage the process of filling AITE with the necessary Big Data.

   The objectives of the AITE Statistical Committee are:
  1. Collection of statistical data from Territorial Entities and other sources;
  2. Systematization of the statistical reporting of Territorial Entities;
  3. Filling the AITE system continuously with the best global innovative practices in the development and management of Territorial Entities.

   Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities is the result of intellectual activity, designed in the form of the Author's description of the creation of a supranational, innovative, high-tech product for the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence to assist Governors and governors teams from around the world in the sustainable development and management of Territorial Entities called "Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities (AITE)."

   The development is registered in the International Register of International Standard Name Identifier - ISNI 0000 0004 7421 8256 and deposited with the Authors' Society, an entry in the Registry No. 26125. The creation period is from December 23, 2009, to March 3, 2017.

AI Governor,

Governor of Artificial Intelligence for Territorial Entities, ISNI 0000 0004 7421 8256

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Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 was developed and promoted by the World Organization for Development, LLC (Tax Number: 02207202410317, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Abdykadyrova St., Building 123, Index 720045), General Director: Robert N.Gubernatorov.


© All rights reserved. Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410; 2009-2024

International legislation frames and protects the copyright to the developed Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities and Global Initiative Tools. The site materials are authorized for publication in the official media, subject to an active indexed link to the source: Global Initiative for Territorial Entities Copyright development belongs to ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0407 and is prohibited for any use and use without written permission Author and GITE Governor.

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