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Governors Newsweek 

Global Governors Media Space
The first issue of a printed and digital


   Governors Newsweek is an international weekly print and digital news publication about governors and heads of top-level territorial entities worldwide.

The publication is devoted to the brightest topics, events, and news from the current working agenda of governors, heads of territorial entities, governor's teams, and business community leaders collaborating with the authorities of territories and their teams.

   Governors Newsweek is one of the essential Instruments of the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities, forming a single international information space for Governors and Governor's teams.

   The goal of Governors Newsweek is to promote the achievements, discoveries, new innovative methods and practices, advanced international experience in critical areas of sustainable development, and management of territorial entities in different countries of the world.

   The technological features of the Governors Newsweek publication are formed from the requirements of the era of new technical order. They include both revolutionary solutions for the formation of new approaches to creating global media spaces and the development of breakthrough and innovative publishing technologies, using the example of the Innovative Publishing Technology "Creative Editorial."

   The Governors Newsweek product line consists of a set of formats for providing content, such as exclusive placement of the publication's materials in the daily news network media of the Governors News, the release of the weekly editions of the Governors Newsweek in digital and print formats.

   Governors Newsweek is involved in forming the Global Governors Media Space, which is one of the three component spaces of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities.

   In the aggregate, the functioning of all the publications that form the Global Governors Media Space is intended to create an international communication media platform for governors and governor's teams, accumulating and illuminating the activities of the heads of territorial entities in different countries of the world, enabling the governors and their teams to get acquainted with the activities of their colleagues, learn about the achievements in the field of UN Sustainable Development Goals, share innovative experience and the latest development and management tools for Territorial Entities.

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Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410 was developed and promoted by the World Organization for Development, LLC (Tax Number: 02207202410317, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Abdykadyrova St., Building 123, Index 720045), General Director: Robert N.Gubernatorov.


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