Global Award for Sustainable Development

Global Award for Sustainable Development is a part of the Global Governors Event Space, the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities, is one of the main Instruments stimulating the innovative, technological, economic, and social development of Territorial Entities. Increases the openness and social responsibility of both Governors and Governors teams, as well as Business, in order to effectively interact with Governors and Governors teams with Business, sustainable development of Territorial Entities, improve the investment, technological and innovative climate and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Every year in the World are held hundreds of international awards. Previously, there were no Global Awards that would focus on stimulating the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the World and the interaction of Governors and Governors teams with Business.
Territorial Entities are the fundamental basis for the sustainable development of States. The stability and prosperity of the nations largely depend on the effectiveness of the work of the Governors and Governors teams. The innovative nature of the Award is to stimulate the development of Territorial Entities, identify and demonstrate best world practices in the development of Territorial Entities, awarding Governors and Governors teams for the best world experience and achievements in various areas of territorial development, and awarding international corporations and national companies for significant contribution to development Territorial Entities.
The nominees and laureates of the Global Award for Sustainable Development are the Governors, Heads and regional leaders of top-level Territorial Entities in various countries of the World, Governor's teams and individual members of Governor's groups, leaders of innovative, high-tech, industrial corporations and companies, investment banks, funds and other active participants process of sustainable development of Territorial Entities and States.
The results of the Global Award for Sustainable Development are calculated on the basis of official data and statistics of the UN bodies and international organizations of the UN system - the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, UNCTAD, ECOSOC, as well as the Analytical Research Center and the Statistics Committee of the Global Initiative for Territorial Entities.
Between 2009 and 2019, rules were developed for holding and participating in the Global Award for Sustainable Development, including on the basis of the World Investment Award "Investment Angel," which is part of the Global Award for Sustainable Development and established in 2010.
In October 2015, the Global Award was presented to the United Nations at the meeting of the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly, as a tool to stimulate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Award for Sustainable Development can be held both within the World Forum of Territorial Entitiesframework and in the form of Online Awards in an innovative format.
The Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities stimulates the sustainable development of the Territorial entities in the innovative, technological, economic, social, and other fields creates the Global Dialogue Governors Platform for the exchange of innovative practices for the development and management of Territorial entities, mutual growth, and achievement of the UN SDGs.
The World Organization for Development, by the consultative status of the UN ECOSOC, develops and implements Global Initiatives to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
The United Nations has already twice recognized the Global Initiatives developed by WOD as the World's best practices to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, in 2015 and 2021:
Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities #SDGAction33410
"Angel for Sustainable Development" Global Awards #SDGAction40297
Mission of the Global Award for Sustainable Development:
Stimulating the development of Territorial Entities and the creation of new impulses in the development of Territorial Entities in different countries of the World.
Objectives of the Global Award for Sustainable Development:
1. Demonstration and rewarding of the best world practices in the development and management of Territorial Entities;
2. Awarding of Governors and Governors teams for the best international experience and achievements in various areas of territorial development, awarding international corporations and national companies for significant contributions to the development of Territorial Entities;
3. Stimulating the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the forced and sustainable development of the Territorial Entities.
Global Award for Sustainable Development is held in different countries of the World. Representatives of State bodies of territorial entities and management of Business - companies and corporations are awarded.
The final results, as determined by the nominees and laureates of the Global Award for Sustainable Development, are determined and calculated openly and presented to the Governors, Governors teams, Business and the media at the Global Award for Sustainable Development ceremony, as in the World Forum of Territorial Entities and the Global Governors Summit, and Online innovation format.
The Global Award for Sustainable Development is the result of intellectual activity, designed in the form of an Author's description and a scenario for conducting the Award, which stimulates the innovative, technological, economic and social development of the Territorial Entities that increase the openness and social responsibility of international Business for effective interaction with the Governors and Governors teams in order Sustainable Development of the Territorial Entities and Improving the Investment Climate, entitled: "Global Award for Sustainable Development".
The development is registered in the International Register of International Standard Name Identifier - ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0423 and deposited with the Authors' Society, an entry in the Registry No. 26123. The creation period is from December 23, 2009 to March 3, 2017.