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Global Governors Summit

Global Governors Summit


   The Global Governors Summit (GGS) is part of the Global Governors Event Space, the Global Initiative for Sustainable Development of Territorial Entities. It aims to bring together the Governors and the Heads of Territorial Entities - territorial units of the top-level, from different countries of the world, to stimulate the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in the innovative, technological, economic, social, and other directions, to create a Global Dialogue Platform for Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities, for sustainable development and the achievement of the UN SDGs.

   The Global Governors Summit and its institution are the essential Instruments for the sustainable development of Territorial Entities and the creation of the Global Governors Platform to exchange advanced innovative practices of development and management of the Territorial Entities.
  The supreme governing body of the Global Governors Summit is the Global Executive Committee, which is active with the active participation of the Global Governors Club.
  The Global Governors Summit has the potential to bring together over two thousand Governors and their colossal experience to share best practices and innovative practices and successful practices in the development and management of the Territorial Entities for mutual development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  The Global Governors Summit creates the conditions for the definition and further scaling of the world's best territorial practices in various areas of development of the Territorial Entities.
  Many Governors and regional leaders express interest in creating a unified Global Governors Platform for dialogue, with the active participation of the United Nations, to share innovative achievements and practices.

   Territorial Entities of different countries have their powers, laws, budgets, political and economic systems, but the Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities do not have their own Global Governors Summit.
  Territorial Entities is the basis for the sustainable development of any State. According to the results of the work of the regional governments, the budgets of the States are formed, stability, the growth of the people's welfare, and, in general, the State's sustainable development depend on the effectiveness of the work Governors and governors teams.
  The primary condition for the sustainable development of States is the practical and balanced development of Territorial Entities, but at the international level, they are not given due attention.
  The Global Governors Summit is scheduled as an annual event, coinciding in dates, countries, and cities with the World Forum of Territorial Entities venues.

   The participants of the Global Governors Summit elect, from among the current Governors and the Heads of Territorial Entities, the members of the Global Executive Committee.

   The Global Executive Committee reports annually on its activities to the Global Governors Summit, the agenda of which is partially formed at the meetings of the Global Governors Club.

   Elections to the Global Executive Committee are carried out by the current Members of the Global Governors Summit - the Governors and the Heads of Territorial Entities of the top-level.

Every three years, the composition of the Global Executive Committee must be updated by no less than 30 percent, but not more than 50 percent, starting in the third year after the first elections to the Global Executive Committee.
  The size of the Global Executive Committee is determined by the decision of the Global Governors Summit.
  Governors from different continents should be represented on the Global Executive Committee. Continental quotas and quotas for countries are also determined by the decision of the Global Governors Summit.

   The Global Executive Committee carries out ongoing activities aimed at the implementation and achievement of goals and mission implements the decisions of the Global Governors Summit and the recommendations of the Global Governors Club.
  The Global Executive Committee has an Administrative Office that operates on an ongoing basis. Personnel, financial, and other organizational issues to support the activities of the Administrative Office are determined by the Global Executive Committee and submitted annually, together with reports, to the approval of the Global Governors Summit.

   The headquarters of the Global Executive Committee changes its location annually. Each year, after the next Global Governors Summit and the World Forum of Territorial Entities, the Administrative Office of the Global Executive Committee moves to the country and city of the following Global Governors Summit and the World Forum of Territorial Entities.

   The host country provides organizational, documentary, visa, and another support in organizing the work of the members of the Global Executive Committee and the Administrative Office throughout the year and also facilitates the holding of the Global Governors Summit in its territory.

   The Global Governors Summit (GGS) is the result of intellectual activity, designed in the form of the author's description and scenario of the Summit, bringing together the Governors and the Heads of Territorial Entities - territorial units of the top level of various countries of the world, stimulating the sustainable development of Territorial Entities in the creative, technological, economic, social and other directions, creating a Global Dialogue Platform for Governors and Heads of Territorial Entities sustainable development and the achievement of the UN SDGs, entitled: "Global Governors Summit."

   The development is registered in the International Register of International Standard Name Identifier - ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0423 and deposited with the Authors' Society, an entry in the Register for the number 26126. The creation period from December 23, 2009, to March 3, 2017.

GITE Governor,

Global Initiative for Territorial Entities Governor, ISNI 0000 0004 6762 0423

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